First Post

Jan 09, 2014

My very first post


Just a rubbish post used to test code highlighting features.

This function builds a YAML string from state.yaml_template, taking the values of hyper-parameters from state.hyper_parameters, creates the corresponding object and trains it (like, then run the function in state.extract_results on it, and store the returned values into state.results.

def train_experiment(state, channel):
    Train a model specified in state, and extract required results.

    This function builds a YAML string from ``state.yaml_template``, taking
    the values of hyper-parameters from ``state.hyper_parameters``, creates
    the corresponding object and trains it (like, then run the
    function in ``state.extract_results`` on it, and store the returned values
    into ``state.results``.

    To know how to use this function, you can check the example in
    (in the same directory).
    yaml_template = state.yaml_template

    # Convert nested DD into nested ydict.
    hyper_parameters = expand(flatten(state.hyper_parameters), dict_type=ydict)

    # This will be the complete yaml string that should be executed
    final_yaml_str = yaml_template % hyper_parameters

    # Instantiate an object from YAML string
    train_obj = pylearn2.config.yaml_parse.load(final_yaml_str)

        iterable = True
    except TypeError:
        iterable = False
    if iterable:
        raise NotImplementedError(
                ('Current implementation does not support running multiple '
                 'models in one yaml string.  Please change the yaml template '
                 'and parameters to contain only one single model.'))
        # print "Executing the model."
        # This line will call a function defined by the user and pass train_obj
        # to it.
        state.results =
        return channel.COMPLETE